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Paying it forward

From immigrating to the US, to learning to snowboard, to becoming a first generation college student at University of California Berkeley, SOS Outreach alumna, Mitzi Ayala, shares how SOS was a critical support system throughout her journey. Now, Mitzi is paying it forward as she embarks on her next chapter to earn a Masters Degree in Social Work and give back to her community, just as SOS did for her.

Since 1993, changemakers like you have joined SOS Outreach in empowering a sense of belonging in kids and teenagers. Pay it forward by sponsoring a young person in SOS today. 

our progressive curriculum

Since 1993, SOS has grown to engage 3,000+ youth annually across 15 locations in 10 states. We use the mountains as our classroom to introduce youth to core values and a progressive curriculum. As kids and teenagers advance through the program with a dedicated mentor, their responsibilities increase to include community service, skill building workshops, career development and junior mentoring opportunities.

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our progressive curriculum

Since 1993, SOS has grown to engage 3,000+ youth annually across 15 locations in 10 states. We use the mountains as our classroom to introduce youth to core values and a progressive curriculum. As kids and teenagers advance through the program with a dedicated mentor, their responsibilities increase to include community service, skill building workshops, career development and junior mentoring opportunities.

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What We Do

No matter what social, societal, or economic barriers exist—SOS Outreach believes every child deserves the opportunity to thrive. We start with powerful outdoor experiences. Because it’s on the slopes or the trail that kids unearth the courage to step outside of their comfort zones, discover new strengths within themselves and develop lifelong skills. Through our proven curriculum, we empower kids in our communities to discover their true potential.

Adult Mentorship

From the moment our kids step outside with us, they are introduced to positive and consistent adult mentorship. Our mentors provide a strong support system that inspires kids to dream big—cheering them on as they carve a turn, offering a helping hand when the terrain gets steep, and lending an ear when they’re having a rough day. Through these powerful relationships forged on the mountain, youth learn what they are truly capable of and they develop the confidence to share their new skills with the world.

Outdoor AdventureS

By teaching youth to ski, snowboard, backpack, and camp—activities that many of our kids aren’t able to access—we’re not only enabling outdoor exploration, we’re enabling self-exploration. Youth overcome obstacles on the mountain that translate to overcoming obstacles in life. Whether it’s courage and discipline to get back up when they fall or humility and compassion to help their peers navigate a challenging run—we help them recognize these strengths to lead happy, healthy and successful lives.

Core Values

Outdoor recreation in an encouraging environment is central to developing leaders, but it doesn’t stop there. Our kids look at their communities and determine what challenges need to be addressed, participate in team workshops to develop important life skills, and learn to incorporate our 6 core values in their daily lives. Through our progressive, multi-year curriculum—we empower kids to become informed and engaged members of their communities.

Faces of SOS

“My first day on the mountain wasn’t anything like my expectations. Constantly falling down and picking myself up was the worst. It was harder than I thought, and I wanted to give up on the program that same day. As time passed, though, learning to pick myself up became easier. Making myself keep going no matter what obstacles were in my way became second nature.”

–  Josue, Summit County, CO participant

“My favorite core value is courage. Courage doesn’t just come out of nowhere. It comes when you push yourself to prove to others that you can become a better person. It helps me prove that I don’t give up. Courage comes from deep within a person who knows they’re scared and will still face their fear.


– Peter, Seattle, WA participant

“I’m Kayla, and I’m in 9th grade and have been in SOS for 5 years now. I remember my first day of SOS…I was so nervous to go out with the group on the mountain, but excited to meet up with my siblings who were already in SOS.  I love being outside, and I love that I got to learn to snowboard and meet other people. Some of those people maybe didn’t think they had things in common with me because we are different, but we have fun on the mountain and that has brought us together.”
Kayla, South Lake Tahoe, CA participant

Meet Our Team


“When people talk about me, they’re like…‘Oh Noah, he does crazy stuff, he’s the one that goes out and does cool stuff outside.’ But before SOS, it really wasn’t like that at all. I used to be a really shy kid. I’d stay inside and not be active at all. And then SOS just taught me to get out of my comfort zone and go for it. “

-Noah, Eagle County, CO participant

“On my first day of SOS, I was super nervous, but excited. But all the fear and doubt I had about the program left my mind as soon as I started talking to the mentors and other kids. My mentor became a positive role model outside of my family, and I knew if I needed help or just needed someone to talk to, I could confide in them.”


– Mitzi, North Lake Tahoe, NV participant

Join the Family

When we all get behind a singular purpose—to change lives for kids in our communities—our impact is infinite. Join the SOS family, made up of generous donors, committed partners, inspiring mentors, and dedicated volunteers. Together, we encourage youth to unlock the potential that’s already inside of them and discover endless possibility. When we all get behind a singular purpose—to change lives for kids in our communities—our impact is infinite. Join the SOS family, made up of generous donors, committed partners, inspiring mentors, and dedicated volunteers. Together, we encourage youth to unlock the potential that’s already inside of them and discover endless possibility.


Make a gift to help youth discover a new side of themselves they didn’t know existed — a side that can do anything, especially overcome their circumstances and come out on top.

Being a positive mentor is one of the most fulfilling things you’ll ever do. You can help shape a child’s future in your community.

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