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SOS Partners with Mt. Brighton to introduce the sports of skiing & snowboarding to Detroit area kids

SOS Partners with Mt. Brighton to introduce the sports of skiing & snowboarding to Detroit area kids

MT. BRIGHTON, MI — Mt. Brighton announced today it will partner with the nationally acclaimed SOS Outreach organization for five weeks this February to provide an outdoor avenue of adventure for young Metro Detroiters. The SOS Outreach program at Mt. Brighton introduces at-risk and underserved children at Detroit’s Cesar Chavez Martin Academy’s 3rd through 5th grade campus to the sports of skiing and snowboarding, while at the same time promoting the long-term success of youth through the life-changing aspects of achievement in outdoor recreation, positive adult mentorship, service learning and leadership development.

The kids from SOS Outreach were genuinely thrilled to be here with the Mt. Brighton Ski and Snowboard School, excited to tell us it was their first time ever on skis or a snowboard,” said Mt. Brighton snowboard instructor Tiffany Stewart. “And that enthusiasm, coupled with understanding the struggles that these kids have faced, certainly warmed the hearts our instructors. The lessons were filled with fun and laughter and, when we all got together afterwards to discuss next week’s program with SOS Outreach, (it) turns out Mt. Brighton’s staff had just as much fun as the kids did. So we absolutely can’t wait to have them back.”

A pilot program at Mt. Brighton running for five weeks in February to benefit inner-city Detroit area youth, SOS Outreach features a similar metro program in Denver that served more than two thousand young people. Currently, SOS Outreach offers programs across 30 mountain resorts in seven states and has full-time offices in Edwards, Colo., Frisco, Colo., Denver, Lake Tahoe, Calif., and Seattle – with more than 5,000 at-risk youths across the nation involved.

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